Raiden IV
- Original Arcade - Normal -

Open Leaderboard [3] | Verifiable Leaderboard [1] | Videos Listing [1]
Rank Player Platform Ship StageScore Comments Entered Date
1EmuserPCFighting Thunder ME-22-127,297,460 [vid]Overkill Steam port. "Blind" 1-ALL as in first credit that evening and I hadn't touched the game in 9 years so nothing was really "fresh" in my mind.2024-04-07

Fighting Thunder ME-2
RankPlayerPlatformShipStageScoreCommentEntered Date
1EmuserPCFighting Thunder ME-22-127,297,460 [vid]Overkill Steam port. "Blind" 1-ALL as in first credit that evening and I hadn't touched the game in 9 years so nothing was really "fresh" in my mind.2024-04-07